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About us

If you are reading this, this means that Viral Versa (Will have it's name changed one day when I have some budget...) is still at it's starting phase!

What you can expect from this website:

- Articles of Various Genres.
(Basically anything interesting worth posting and I love writing articles. I guess it's just part of my nature of show off my knowledge :d)

- Videos taken from various websites and put here for your enjoyment.
(For Promotion purposes)

- Some interesting memos as well.
(If you're thinking 9Gag I'm sorry to disappoint you.)

- Original Soundtracks. (OST)
Sometimes we need to take a break from listening to rap, pop, rock or other mainstream music and take a moment to enjoy some beautiful soundtracks.

Hopefully you'll like the content posted here!
Social Media? Maybe... Just maybe...